Thanks for revisiting my blog! It has been a super busy semester and I have not had an opportunity to write nearly as much as I would have liked to. So, keep reading for some snapshots of where I’ve been and where I’m heading and be sure to stay tuned, because there is much more excitement around the corner!
On May 10th, I walked across the stage and graduated with my Master’s Degree in Counseling in Educational Settings. The outpouring of congratulations from friends and family near and far certainly made me feel as though two degrees in 5 years was an achievement worth celebrating. However, I still feel as though this was just a small step on my journey to where I want to be.
Last week I had the opportunity to return to my alma mater, Montclair State University, to be a guest speaker in one of Dr. Gilbert’s classes. For those of you who don’t know Dr. Gilbert – you should! So, hit him up on his success hotline at 973-743-4690 for your daily dose of inspiration. During my talk, Dr. Gilbert asked if I thought that I was an especially brilliant or a naturally gifted student and I shook my head and answered, “of course not”. Despite graduating with my Bachelor’s degree in 3 years and then my Master’s degree 2 years later, with GPA’s worth bragging about, I do NOT feel as though I have achieved anything extraordinary! I just did what I always do. I studied, I went to class, I asked questions, and I wanted nothing more than to read the textbook cover to cover – not because a professor ever told me I had to – but because I wanted the information stored within its pages to add to my own mental library.
Here’s where I am asking for your help:
As I face the academic road ahead, I know that a PhD is in my future, it’s just a matter of when that will be. Until then I am setting out on a new academic challenge that I am rather excited about. I am in the process of writing my own syllabus for the next Academic year, beginning now, in June, through next May. (It’s okay if you just rolled your eyes at how absurd this sounds). When complete, my syllabus will contain many of the things I’ve wanted to learn, books I’ve wanted to read, documentaries I’ve wanted to watch, and journals to write but haven’t had the time because sometimes life got in the way. I have started a list of topical areas to “study” each month. So far, I will be getting my toes wet in politics, economics, spirituality, cultural competency, and leadership as well as a few more! If you have any suggestions I want to know about them – so please leave me a comment with any ideas!
I am sure you are all dying to know where in
After many months of job searching, countless phone and skype interviews, and even a few trips around the county I have not yet found the one. In the meantime, as I continue to scour high and low for the best career move for me, I stumbled upon an incredible opportunity with Arbonne International a botanically based, vegan health and wellness company with pure, safe and beneficial products ranging from skincare to protein. I am excited to share with my social network the products that I have begun using daily that align with my values when it comes to happy and healthy living.
Which leads me to my last topic…
Health & Wellness
In order to hit the ground running with Arbonne I knew that my own health and wellness needed to be in check before I can share the gift and benefits of Arbonne with others. You know how on airplanes the flight attendant reminds the passengers that in the event of decreased oxygen to put on their own mask before helping others? Well, for the past 4 years since I stopped skating I have spent a ridiculously large amount of time helping others and a relatively small amount of time helping myself. Sure, I exercise semi-regularly, run in community 5Ks, and eat a questionably balanced diet of vegetables and ice cream but I know that in my heart of hearts I can and should be treating my body a whole lot better. When I heard about Arbonne and their 30 Days to Healthy Living Clean Eating Cleanse I knew I wanted to dive in both as an investment in my own health and the building of a business that I care about. So, TODAY is Day 1 of 30 and I am committed to the program in mind, body and spirit. For the next 30 days, I will be introducing Arbonne’s protein shakes, detox tea, energy fizz drinks, and fiber supplements to my diet and eliminating soy, gluten, dairy, caffeine and alcohol (wowzer!). More importantly, I will continue to provide you with updates on my progress (both the highs and the lows) as I explore where this path takes me and hopefully help you see if it’s worth trying out for yourself! If you want to know more about Arbonne and how their product lines can change your life for the better I’d love to tell you more so let’s connect!
Thank you, readers, for caring to make it to the end. And special thanks to my mom, dad, Kimmy, Tom, and my RLUH family for keeping me laughing through this tedious job search process and believing in my ability to have fun!
With unconditional love,